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Empowering Change: Our Commitment from Workshop to Action! 

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

At Open Paths Athens, we're not just advocates; we're active participants in the journey toward a new era in HIV treatment. 

Workshop Reflections:

Our team recently had the privilege of attending the 7th International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence in Lusaka, Zambia. The knowledge gained and stories shared fueled our dedication to being catalysts for positive change.

Proud Signatories:

We are proud to announce that we've not only supported but also officially signed the declaration inspired by the workshop. This commitment goes beyond a mere signature;  it's a commitment to progress, advocacy, and ending the stigma associated with HIV.

Why We Stand:

- Insights Ignite Action: The workshop provided invaluable insights that have spurred us into action for a more inclusive, stigma-free future.

- Lived Experiences at the Core: Our advocacy extends to placing the voices of those with lived experiences at the center of our initiatives and discussions.

Our Objectives, Your Support:

- Opening the Gates of Access: Advocating for injectable ART and PrEP to increase access to HIV prevention and treatment.

- Cutting Down the Beast: Promoting the use of injectable options to reduce the incidence of HIV transmission.

- Championing Adherence: Supporting injectable ART and PrEP as convenient alternatives to daily oral medication.

- Fighting Stigma: Actively working to reduce the stigma associated with HIV through advocacy for injectable solutions.

Join the Movement:

- Sign the Declaration: Be a part of this transformative movement by signing the declaration as an individual or organization.

- Spread the Word: Share this post and help amplify the message of change and progress.

Together, We Make History:

Attending the workshop was a powerful catalyst, but our collective actions are what will drive real change. Join us in turning inspiration into a tangible, transformative force!


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