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This service is designed to support people living with HIV. We link all our beneficiaries to care, ensuring access to social, psychological, medical and pharmaceutical services and materials.

Our beneficiaries will include refugees and migrants from South Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Block, Africa, Latin America, other black and dual heritages citizens.

We offer one to one peer support, group support, counselling and welfare advocacy on a national, European and international level. For many people, receiving a positive HIV diagnosis can be devasting. Our HIV Care and Support Service are dedicated to enabling people to accept their diagnosis and live life to its fullest.

Our role is to help newly diagnosed people understand and manage their condition with confidence. For people ageing with HIV, our service commitment is to support you to live a long and healthy life within your community.

These five tools can stop HIV transmission:

· Consistent condom use

· Regular STI testing

· HIV treatment

· PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis)

· PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)


PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis)

With the availability of PrEP, you can reduce the risk of HIV transmission for you, your partner and your community.


PrEP is unfortunately not available in our country.


PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)

PEP is a treatment that may stop you from developing an HIV infection if exposed to the virus. It must be taken within 72 hours and for a month.





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Contact Us

Our mission is to support individuals, communities and other grassroots organisations in Athens to grow by supporting them with expert consultation, knowledge and advice. We believe in sharing our knowledge to support and empower members of our community.

We work directly with individual migrants, refugees and their communities. We partner with a variety of community-based services – from employment support services to educational centres to homeless shelters – to identify appropriate pathways that will enable our service users to achieve independence and a better quality of life.

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Karaiskaki 28, Athens 10554, Greece



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